Saturday, July 3, 2010

Fishing Skopelos style

The photos show afternoon activity on the beach as buckets and nets were grabbed by the locals when large schools of little silver backed fish (probably anchovies) filled the sea in front of us. You can see the black shadowy shape (it's fish) that started it all off- many more such shapes came and went during the half hour or so of the seaside spectacle. Locals and visitors alike were transfixed at the wonder of it all. There was much gesticulation and pointing at the water as visitors took photos and locals took to their fishing gear. Then there were a couple of big waves that catapaulted fish to the shore and it become even more evident who was local and who was a visitor as the visitors started throwing the fish back into the sea while the locals grabbed them in the hands, nets or whatever and in celebratory style with much loudness and laughter hurled them into buckets to take home to be cooked.

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